All posts filed under: Special Portfolio: Non-Fiction

One Of Those Slow, Sunday Afternoons

It was the kind of somber day that stopped even the most devoted Christians from going to church, simply because of how tired they felt. Nobody could escape gloominess on a day like this, and yet everyone in the middle car of the two train making it’s way deeper into the Bronx was wide awake that afternoon. Each and every person sat up, alert when the man in the dark coat pulled a gun from his pocket.

The Morning After

On a sunny morning on the shores of Los Angeles in a small house, a young boy of 11 years named Jason Smith wakes up to the smell of bacon. He rises from his bed, rushing downstairs to the kitchen, not caring that his blond hair is a mess, or that one side of his shirt is tucked and the other isn’t… Before the tragic accident everything seemed normal between Jason and his mother.

Reaching The American Dream

All mom wanted was to have a better future. She wanted to help her parents and have an education, but her dreams could not happen. She did not have the same opportunities in her country of Mexico. Her dreams were broken and she felt like she couldn’t do anything to go back and fix it, but she knew that whatever happened, she was going to have a better future for her kids.