Month: January 2015

Personal Essay: I Try To Find Crickets, But I Fail Horribly

by Olivia Glover It was a cloudy, gloomy day. I had come to the park to the park to pass the time, and after a while, I heard crickets. Those little bugs have avoided me for days, and today was the day I would get one of those little suckers. They apparently like to tease me when I don’t find one, so I was determined. So, I took a detour and made my way to a nearby hill.

Movie Review: Mockingjay Part One

by Amera Attalah   The newly released movie, Mockingjay Part One, is part of the original Hunger Games series, which includes the second part, Catching Fire. They all are book-based movies and a continuous series that ends when Mockingjay Part Two is released. In my opinion, this is a great movie, but only if you have watched the other two movies that this movie falls back on. It has a great cliffhanger at the end and includes a lot of action that will keep you at the edge of your seat.

Music Review: Why You Should Waste Money On Sia

by Yarelys Encarnacion       I bet you’re wondering… who the heck is Sia?! To start, she’s a songwriter, a singer and a producer and is known for her hit single, Chandelier, from her fast-selling album 1000 Forms of Fear. She has written songs for Rihanna, Ne-yo and Britney Spears such as Diamonds, Let Me Love You and Perfume. Sia is from Australia and has blasted out perfectly and powerful in her new songs, something that was done by other artists she has written songs for.

Personal Essay: Taking A Chance

by Christian Lee Rivera “Let me introduce you our one and only valedictorian to the stage, Christian Lee Rivera!” The crowd goes wild and I was as nervous as ever. It was sunny but did not mean there wasn’t a chance of rain. If there was a chance of rain, then there would be a chance of cloudiness. I had reached a goal I worried would not be reached, thinking my grade was not high enough. This goal made me a proud student. I had became valedictorian.

Personal Essay: I Don’t Want To Go Home

by Yarelys Encarnacion It was two in the morning when my chilly adventure started. All the streets were empty. I could feel the forceful wind that came from the North Pole. It took me a while to realize I had entered the deadliest night of the year. My mom started to badger me with questions that I didn’t know the answer to. I could hear her loud and clear in my mind, “Now where do we go… Do you know what street to take?” She’s an interesting woman, my mother.

Music Today Is Not Okay: Calling For a Return to Our Musical and Moral Compass

by Christian Lee Rivera What is your favorite type of music? Is it Salsa, Pop, Bachata, and many others? In the music business today, most people consider music to be about partying, doing drugs, or having fun. Therefore, is music supposed to be about those topics? What happened to the meaningful songs that had morals, messages and outstanding rhythms?